Limited Liability Company with share capital of EUR 399 793 620 , whose registered office is located at 34 Avenue Léonard De Vinci in Courbevoie (92400), registered at the NANTERRE Trade and Companies Register under number 552 111 809.

Publication Director: Catherine Miret, Communications Director

Editorial animation: Julie Borrelly, Communications Department

Integration and development : IT services, Groupe Keolis

Intra-community VAT number is FR08 552 111 809.Phone : +33 (0)1 71 32 90 00

Photographic credit : KEOLIS

Graphic design and content creation: agencyDAGOBERT

Web Hosting: Microsoft Azure

Adress: 39 quai du président Roosevelt – 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux

Phone Number: +33 9 70 01 90 90

Share Capial: 4 240 000 €

Companies Register under number: 327733184

General terms and conditions of use


The Keolis Company has decided to publish, animate and make available the website (hereinafter the "Website"), whose main objective is to communicate information about the Keolis Group, its activities and news.

The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter the "Terms") is to determine the conditions under which the users are authorised to connect to the Website. Any access to the Website automatically entails the application of the Terms, the user is deemed to have read and accepted the Terms without reserve when he visits the Website.

The applicable Terms are those in effect on the date of each user's connection to the Website. It is specified that the Keolis Company remains free, at any time, to enhance, modify, correct or delete all or part of the Terms. These amendments shall be deemed to have been brought to the attention of the users simply by putting them online. Consequently, they are deemed to be accepted without reserve by any user accessing the Website after their posting online. Therefore, the user is invited to refer to them upon each visit in order to read the latest version available on the Website. 


Anyone can access the Website free of charge. All costs incurred by the User to access the Website (hardware, software, etc.) are at his/her expense.

The Keolis Company reserves the right to modify, suspend, restrict or interrupt the access to all or part of the Website, including the access to its content and functionalities, or the availability of the Website, without prior notice.



The Website and all its constituting elements (including texts, presentations, videos, photographs, downloadable documents, trademarks and logos...) and related software are protected by Intellectual Property Rights and neighbouring rights reserved exclusively to the owners of these rights.

Except in the cases permitted by the Keolis Company, and with the exception, in particular, of reproductions without modifications or alterations made for the purposes of personal and private copies in accordance with Article L. 122-5, 2° of the Intellectual Property French Code, any use, exploitation, reproduction, representation, dissemination, edition or publication, in whole or in part, of the Website and/or its constituting elements, in any form/format whatsoever, on any support whatsoever and for any purpose whatsoever (commercial, advertising...) is strictly prohibited and sanctioned by law.


The obligations mentioned in the paragraph above do not apply to journalists and newspaper publishers solely in respect of copyright relating to the content presented in the "Press Releases" and "Media Library" tabs. The Keolis Company makes available to them iconographic documents and press kits that they may use, reproduce, represent, disseminate, edit and publish to illustrate their articles and press works, provided that the name of the author, if available, and the source are clearly indicated. 


Keolis, as the data controller, collects and processes the personal data that you can communicate on this Website, in particular through our forms in order to:  

  • Process and manage your requests for information, under the "contact" tab;

  • Process and manage your applications;

  • Process your requests for rights;

  • Manage cookies.

In the section entitled "Contact", the user agrees to communicate the data necessary to take into account and process his request and communicates accurate information.

In accordance with applicable regulations, you have the right to access, rectify, delete, portability and limit your personal data. As well as a right to withdraw your consent to transmit your request to the subsidiaries of Keolis group. You can exercise these rights by contacting our Data Protection Delegate by clicking here.

you are entitled to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of the European Union country in which you reside, work or in which you deem that your rights might have been infringed upon.

For more information, please refer to the privacy policy.



Cookies are deposited on your terminal when you consult the Website. For more information on the cookies deposited, their retention period and the possibility of setting them, please refer to the Website's Cookie Management Policy.


The establishment of a hyperlink to the Website requires express prior authorisation from the Keolis Company. Any request for the establishment of a hyperlink to the Website shall be addressed via the contact form, under the "Contact" tab. 

The Website allows users to be redirected to other internet websites and third party services via a hyperlink from the Website, including via buttons (twitter, YouTube...). Users may view, for example, Tweets published on the @GroupeKeolis account on Twitter.

The user acknowledges that the Keolis Company is independent from these internet websites and services provided by third parties. Any use of these services shall be subject to the conditions of use and/or sale specific to each third party offering these services. The Keolis Company cannot be held liable for any accessible content, offer, information consulted or operations carried out via services offered by third parties. Similarly, the Keolis Company does not guarantee compliance with the applicable regulations by the publishers and hosts of these services for which they alone are liable.


Despite all the care taken in setting up and updating the Website, Keolis does not guarantee that the Website will be free of anomalies, errors, inaccuracies or omissions, nor that these can be corrected, nor that it is compatible with the equipment or a particular configuration other than that expressly validated by Keolis.

The Keolis Company undertakes to make its best efforts to provide complete information on its activities and news from the Group but cannot guarantee the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the information on this Website and reserves the right to modify it at any time without prior notification.

In addition, Keolis will make its best efforts to guarantee the accessibility of the Website, however problems of connection or interruption in the connection to the Website may occur. Indeed, this accessibility may be suspended, in particular for reasons of maintenance and/or the quality of the Internet network. Keolis does not offer any guarantee concerning the risks of interruption or malfunctioning linked to the connection, the congestion of networks and/or computer systems, the intrusion of unauthorised third parties and contamination by any viruses circulating on the said networks and/or computer systems. Users use the Website at their own risk. The Keolis Company declines all responsibility for any direct or indirect damage that may result from such use.

Under no circumstances can Keolis or any third party mentioned on this Website be held responsible for any damage, whatever its nature, attributable to the use, the impossibility of using or the results of using the Website or websites linked to the Website, or attributable to documents contained on the Website. 

The user acknowledges that he/she is aware of the characteristics and limitations of the Internet, in particular its technical performance, response times for consulting, querying or transferring data and the risks related to the security of communications. 

The existence of a hypertext link from the Website to another Internet website does not in any way constitute a validation of the said website or its content and will not engage the responsibility of the Keolis Company.

Except in cases of force majeure, the fault of the User or of a third party, in the event that the liability of the Keolis Company would be engaged due to a breach of its obligations under these Terms, the injured Party may claim full compensation for damages, provided that the Keolis Company shall not held liable for consequential damages, the Parties shall refer to the provisions of Article 1231-4 of the French Civil Code as regards to their qualification. In any case, the liability of the Keolis Company cannot be limited and/or excluded in case of personal injury, gross negligence or fraudulent misconduct.


Any event due to a case of force majeure, within the meaning of article 1218 of the Civil Code and the jurisprudence of the courts and tribunals, resulting in particular in a malfunction of the Internet network or the server does not engage the responsibility of Keolis.


Any dispute relating to the use of this Website is subject to French law. These Terms are subject to French law.

These Terms are established in French, notwithstanding any translation which may be made therein. In any case, the French version of these Terms shall prevail over any other version in a foreign language.

In the event of any dispute arising out of the validity, interpretation, execution of these Terms, the Keolis Company and the user agree to meet to try and find an amicable solution to their dispute within a period of sixty (60) calendar days.

In the event of failure to reach an amicable solution at the end of this period, any dispute concerning the interpretation, validity, and/or execution of these Terms shall be submitted to the competent courts, including in the case of multiple defendants or introduction of a third party, for proceedings aiming to obtain urgency or protective measures, in summary proceedings or on application.