Giving meaning to work. Getting along well together. Protecting employee health and safety. Developing and progressing. Because well-being in the workplace is a non-negotiable imperative, Keolis deploys a committed, responsible and attractive human resources and CSR policy. Its aim is to provide the Group's 70,000 employees with the best working conditions, conducive to their professional and personal fulfilment. Through concrete and impactful actions, Keolis aims to become the best place to work in the mobility sector.

Supporting the career development of each employee

Because employees are the lifeblood of Keolis and the pillars upon which collective success is founded, Keolis encourages everyone to make plans for the future.

Ever attentive to its employees, the Group supports talent. Skill development, employability, encouraging career moves, preparing for the professions of tomorrow, guaranteeing fair rules in career management: all these goals are more than just words. Through an ambitious training policy and practical actions, Keolis strives every day to provide its employees with an enriching, motivating and fulfilling professional experience.

In 2023, Keolis invested almost 4% of payroll in training, three times more than the minimum legal requirement in France. It also offers 350 training programmes through its Keolis Training Institute (IK) and its own apprentice training college, the Campus Mobilités.

"I'm involved in testing new models of autonomous driverless shuttles, some of which have never been used in France. Keolis is one of the few companies I know that allows you to train and progress, even when, like me, you don't have any qualifications to begin with.”

Nordine Kada, Supervisor, Keolis Châteauroux (France)

Protecting employee health and safety

Guaranteeing the safety and protecting the health of its employees is a constant concern for all Keolis teams around the world.

Through targeted training programmes and awareness-raising activities the Group does not compromise when it comes to preventing the risk of workplace accidents at work and protecting employees' physical and mental health. The Group’s management teams are also trained and mobilised in guaranteeing the health and safety of their employees at work.

Within the framework of a constructive social dialogue, Keolis has also measured the perceptions of all its employees every year since 2019 in five areas: engagement, employer brand, management, quality of life at work and the corporate project. This survey contributes to the continuous improvement of well-being and quality of life at work, and to the sharing of best practices between subsidiaries.

Key figures

  • 70,300employees worldwide
  • 4%of payroll in training invested by Keolis in 2023, equating to four times the minimum legal requirement in France
  • 70%of employees received training in 2023
  • 28hours of training per employee trained, world perimeter, in 2023

Stepping up for equality and inclusion

As part of its Corporate Social Responsibility policy, Keolis is committed to professional equality, diversity and inclusion. In practice this means hiring candidates from a range of backgrounds and with varying profiles. It also means that everyone is given the opportunity to develop professionally on a level playing field, and purely based on their skills.

Keolis permanently rejects all forms of discrimination related to gender, age, sexual orientation, origin or disability. To this end, the Group supplies its subsidiaries with a catalogue of tools (self-assessments, guides) and training programmes, such as the awareness-raising e-learning module, "Experiencing diversity together". In France, several subsidiaries have joined the "Les entreprises s'engagent" collective to move towards a more inclusive and sustainable society. Keolis Bus Lyon has been working with the #JeNeSuisPasUnCV collective since 2022.

For over ten years, Keolis has also been active in promoting gender equality at work. In 2018, the Group became the first public transport operator to be awarded the GEEIS (Gender Equality European & International Standard) label. Today, 90% of employees work in a certified entity, with the target of hitting 95% in 2025..  

Keolis, a strong commitment to gender diversity

Keolis has an internal network of women and men who work every day to develop gender diversity by exchanging and sharing best practice. The We@Keolis network builds bridges and gives a voice to subsidiaries and customers (public transport authorities and passengers) by taking on board their issues and needs.

To reinforce its fight against everyday sexism, Keolis also joined the #StOpE initiative in January 2024. 

In India, the Keolis Hyderabad subsidiary runs the Workforce of Women (WOW) programme. The aim is to promote female employees and support them in their professional lives to help them progress more quickly. The programme won two awards at the Global Light Rail Awards in London in October 2023, including "Team of the Year".

decorative picture

Keolis SA marks for the professional equality index (2024)

  • Gender pay gap: 38

  • Individual pay rise breakdown gap: 20

  • Promotion breakdown gap: 15

  • Percentage of women receiving a pay rise on their return from maternity leave: 15

  • Number of employees of the underrepresented gender among the 10 best-paid employees: 5

  • Overall mark: 93/100

  • 60 % women among senior executives (Rixain act)

  • 37,5 % women members in the governing bodies (Rixain act)