Responsible and inclusive transport services
At the Salon des Maires et des Collectivités 2024, Keolis reaffirmed its social commitment by renewing its partnership with TAPAJ France, an association that supports young people in very precarious situations. This partnership demonstrates our desire to take concrete action for inclusive and responsible regional development.
TAPAJ : a hopeful initiative
TAPAJ, an acronym for Travail Alternatif Payé À la Journée, is an innovative scheme that enables young people aged 16 to 25, who are often homeless, to rebuild their lives through paid work on a daily basis. Launched in Quebec in 2000 and tested in France from 2010, TAPAJ is based on comprehensive medical, psychological and social support to offer a practical alternative to precariousness and addictive behaviour. Today, TAPAJ is present in 72 territories in mainland France, proving the effectiveness of its model.
A partnership that changes lives
Since 2022, Keolis, through its subsidiaries (Dijon, Bourg en Bresse, Lille, Besançon) has offered 4,750 hours of work to TAPAJ beneficiaries, for a total amount of 120,000 euros. These services, which range from cleaning buildings to collecting rubbish, represent a win-win collaboration for all parties: the young beneficiaries regain their independence, while Keolis makes a lasting contribution to the areas it serves.
A structuring agreement for the future
Signed for a three-year period (2025-2027), the agreement between Keolis and TAPAJ aims to :
strengthen local partnerships between Keolis subsidiaries and TAPAJ branches, using tools such as a practical guide and dedicated events;
roll out the scheme in strategic areas such as Bordeaux, Lille and Tours;
structuring the terms of collaboration by guaranteeing a clear legal and operational framework.
This partnership is fully in line with the government's National Strategy to Prevent and Combat Poverty and reflects Keolis' commitment to socially responsible solutions.