On 10 December, Keolis Nederland started operating a heavy rail contract between the cities of Amersfoort, Ede and Wageningen. The 13 year contract with a total value of 150 million was awarded on 18 April 2023 by the province of Gelderland.

The rail network is situated in the centre of the Netherlands and offers mobility to more than 350.000 inhabitants. The contract features the operation of seven electric trains previously operated by Transdev. The trains, which will be modernized and rebranded over the next two years, will run under the RRReis brand, the corporate brand for regional public transport in the provinces of Flevoland, Gelderland and Overijssel. The timetable remains unchanged and Keolis passenger service agents are being deployed in the stations to improve accessibility on the network. Thirty train drivers previously contracted to Transdev will also be integrated into the Keolis Nederland team.

Keolis Nederland and its dedicated rail team is looking forward to responding to the challenges of enhancing both the quality of the train service of Amersfoort-Ede-Wageningen and the safety and satisfaction of the passengers.